Savoyards Musical Comedy Society Inc.
announces our 2023 Annual General Meeting.
7:30pm, Thursday, 23 February, 2023
Savoyards Hall, Ferguson Street, Manly 4179
Anyone can attend our AGM to hear our 2022 financial and administrative reports. You don't have to be a financial member to attend.

Do you have ideas, courage and a drive to build community?
All positions on the Savoyards Committee are vacated each year and elected by membership vote at the Annual General Meeting. Anyone can attend the AGM but only financial members can nominate someone, be nominated or vote.
Download a Nomination form or pay your membership online at www.savoyards.com.au/membership
Questions? Contact the current committee at committee@savoyards.com.au
Nominations close 5pm, 9 February, 2023 Financial membership must be paid by 5pm, 22 February, 2023.